by poppytunnicliffe | Dec 21, 2012 | From Hannah, From Ria, Sweet Little Something
Well, instead of a Sweet Little Something, this week we are posting about our Sweet Little Siesta – a short break over the holiday season to feast, spend time with our dear ones and brew up ideas for next year’s posts. In fact, we already have some great...
by Hannah | Dec 19, 2012 | Food, From Ria
I’ve fallen prey to the sentimentality of the season, folks. Actually, it’s pretty true, even if trite. I have room in my heart not only for my family but also for a few precious baked goods. One of them is this one. First I must explain the taste...
by poppytunnicliffe | Dec 17, 2012 | Food, From Hannah
There’s nothing better than coming home, right? Well, maybe there’s one thing better than coming home. Coming home and having your sister and her husband come home at the same time! Especially if your sister is a domestic goddess, full up on stories of her...
by poppytunnicliffe | Dec 14, 2012 | From Hannah, From Ria, Sweet Little Something
An end of week ritual – a wordless post, a personal photograph that captures a moment to be savoured, relished and preserved for looking back on. One photograph from Hannah, in the Southern Hemisphere and one from Ria, in the Northern Hemisphere. Feel free to...
by Hannah | Dec 12, 2012 | Food, From Ria, Writing
Is that a song? It should be. Specifically, chocolate pudding, from scratch. I’m not sure what’s in chocolate pudding from-a-box since I don’t have any in the house, but I imagine there are more ingredients than in this chocolate pudding. It is too...
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