Sweet Little Something

An end of week ritual – a wordless post, a personal photograph that captures a moment to be savoured, relished and preserved for looking back on. One photograph from Hannah, in the Southern Hemisphere and one from Ria, in the Northern Hemisphere. Feel free to...

The Importance of Breakfast

Oh, you tease. Go on and taunt me with macarons. See if I don’t return the favour with something equally delectible…   But actually, your post inspired me to look around for a new eatery to discover. We have our faves around here: Japanese Izakaya,...


“Eatable Marshmallow Pillows. Lickable Wallpaper for Nurseries. Hot Ice Creams for Cold Days. Cows that give Chocolate Milk. Fizzy Lifting Drinks. Square Sweets that look Round.”― Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Who wouldn’t want to visit Willy...

The Very Hungry Reader

Don’t you just love reading about food? I mean really love it. Search-out-the-most-delicious-descriptions-in-fiction love it. When I was a kid, and a complete bookworm, I loved to eat whatever the characters in my books were eating. I recall one summer day...