Start-over Cookies

I baked a bad, bad thing….     No truly, I baked some cookies that were terrible. My big mistake was using the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip packet. I know, I know, you are shaking your head right now, I can feel it. My defence is that I was...

Accidental Treasures

So the other morning I woke up with two almost simultaneous thoughts: I forgot to let the dog out last night and what am I going to make with the corn that’s been sitting in the fridge for the better part of a week? The first thought was immediately followed by...

Water bills

I’m wondering whether I can claim water bills as a work expense. I’m sure ours are going to be astronomical. My husband gives me that look when I emerge from the bathroom close to an hour after I went in. I scramble for excuses. I had to shave my legs!...

Sweet Little Something

An end of week ritual – a wordless post, a personal photograph that captures a moment to be savoured, relished and preserved for looking back on. One photograph from Hannah, in the Southern Hemisphere and one from Ria, in the Northern Hemisphere. Feel free to...