The Sweet Life…

…of a writer. Yes! The good things! Today I give you my list of the sweetest rewards of being a writer. Accompanying them are shots of a recent adventure in ice cream sandwiches during a deliciously unseasonable heat wave. The ice cream is Backyard Mint, from...

A bear and some pikelets

I’m going to come right out with it – I am a bundle of nerves. My heart is racing and I’m not sleeping well. We are going to a house auction in a couple of days and I’m tasked with bidding. I mean, I get nervous haggling for a handbag. And I...

Sweet Little Something

An end of week ritual – a wordless post, a personal photograph that captures a moment to be savoured, relished and preserved for looking back on. One photograph from Hannah, in the Southern Hemisphere and one from Ria, in the Northern Hemisphere. Feel free to...


I know I’ve been on a bit of a spring bent lately. Well, it’s not going to stop now, because the first harvest has begun! That early-waking, faithful and very fecund perennial that makes my mouth water just thinking about the sweet-tart treats waiting to...