
Yes, it’s June. It’s strawberry time. (Does that mean that July will be raspberry time? You bet!) The year we moved into our house we planted a strawberry patch, and finally we have a decent harvest. This coincides with Little e’s first toddler...

Winter Picnic

I seem to be out of sync with the universe. In the last forty-eight hours I’ve managed to back my car into the gate, twist my ankle in the local playground, bruise my hip on the kitchen bench-top and receive a parking ticket. [Insert expletive] Bye-bye wing mirror, a...

It’s a Book!

  The time has arrived–huzzah!–to reveal the cover of my new book, which will be released in September by Scholastic Canada. I’ve been privy to the draft version for a while, but now everyone can see what I’ve been secretly clapping my...