by Ria Voros | Jun 7, 2013 | From Hannah, From Ria, Sweet Little Something
A Friday ritual – a wordless post: a personal photograph that captures a moment from the week. One photograph from Hannah, in the Southern Hemisphere and one from Ria, in the Northern Hemisphere. Don’t forget to leave a “Haikument” in comments...
by Ria Voros | Jun 5, 2013 | From Ria, Kids and Parenting, Writing
Everyone knows that toddler + garden = dirtfest, but it’s also true that writer + work-in-progress = dirtfest. Hey–you knew it was going to be that kind of metaphor, didn’t you? So I want to talk a bit about the dirty work of revising. Because...
by Hannah | Jun 2, 2013 | Food, From Hannah, Writing
So. I bet you’ve been wondering – did she buy that house? The one that had her stomach in knots and reverting to childhood food? The answer, my friends, is a big, fat YES! We did buy that house and we officially move in next week. We have joined the...
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