by Hannah | Jan 12, 2014 | From Hannah, How She (or he) Does It, Writing
A little bit, um, EXCITED to bring you our very first How She Does It for 2014. It’s a roundhouse kick of an interview with none other than P.J. Tierney. Not only is she the zen mastermind behind the Jamie Reign books, but also Mum to a nine year old son and...
by Ria Voros | Jan 10, 2014 | From Hannah, From Ria, Sweet Little Something
Yes, it’s Friday again, which can only mean it’s time for a Sweet Little Something, an end of the week morsel that we would love your comments on: a photograph, a link, a poem…a tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a...
by Ria Voros | Jan 5, 2014 | Food, From Ria
Thanks to the fantastic cookbooks (this one and this one) I got for Christmas, my brain is in a constant state of fantasy food enthusiasm, which is to say, I’m reading recipes like most people read the newspaper. So I was going to make something spectacular and...
by Hannah | Jan 3, 2014 | From Hannah, From Ria, Sweet Little Something
Hello there, 2014 readers! Thank you for joining us for a brand new year of feasting, family, fiction, photography and fun. Hope you had happy holidays – we sure did. Lots of food and writing inspiration to share with you in new posts; watch this space…...
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