This week’s Sweet Little Something is a little morsel from each of us that we would love your comments on. A photograph, a link, a poem…a tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a photograph if it takes your fancy. Have a wonderful weekend!
From Hannah:
A haiku-able moment. B1 in spring in Vancouver.
From Ria:
This is one of those have-you-seen-this? things. Well, have you? This is Hong Yi, an artist of, it would seem, endless imagination. And she did this charming series with only food as a medium! And this one of birds made of flowers! And Mark Zuckerberg! Check her out at too.
Pretty in clusters:
Clouds of starlings, schools of fish
Daisies in green grass
Mom’s aren’t always right.
Mom’s say “don’t play with your food”.
Mom’s gotta see this!