Ria Voros is a YA author, teacher, presenter and obsessive reader. Her children’s and young adult novels have been finalists for the White Pine Award, the Rocky Mountain Book Award, and been a Best Books for Kids and Teens selection. She has an MFA in creative writing from the University of British Columbia. When she’s not writing, teaching or eating sweet things, Ria can be found hiking to the tops of mountains or buying too many books at any bookstore she enters. She lives in Victoria, BC, Canada with her husband, daughter and son.

Where are you from?
North Vancouver, BC, Canada
When did you become a writer?
When I was about eight. Before that I just told stories to everyone.
Favourite food?
That’s like asking if I have a favourite child. Dessert in general, mangoes and avocados in particular.
Are you a night owl or a morning person?
I’m a morning person, especially in new places. My favourite thing in a new place is to be among the morning people as they go to work or school or play. To see how the world wakes up and gets going in that place. The littlest morning things say so much about who we are.
Best writing tip?
Do it and keep doing it. Don’t stop doing it until you have something. That’s always the hardest part.
Do you do school presentations or Skype calls to groups?
Yes, and I love to. Go to my connect page to drop me a line about what you’re after.
Are you writing another book?
Yes, I am. It involves a ruined city and a teen mother and so much more…
Dogs or cats?
Dogs. But I also really love tigers.