An Abundance of Spearmint

  I recently put out a plea on Instagram, asking what I should do with my spearmint. I planted the spearmint a long time ago and suddenly it is everywhere. Reaching, spreading, thriving, abundant. I’m new to gardening and this is how my growing goes....

The scales, the number and me.

Today I threw out my scales. Actually, I put them in the garage; more on that later. At any rate they are hereby banished.     As a kid there were always scales in our bathroom. Slid away somewhere but easy to get to. I don’t remember when I first became...

What I know at 38

  I turned 38 on Monday. On learning it was my birthday several people asked me if it was a “big one”. I’m assuming they weren’t guessing I was turning 30. Hmmmm.   The last years of a decade are weird. It’s not an elegant way to describe it, I know, but...