Ultimate chocolate frosting

  Call off the hunt! The search is over! I have finally found a chocolate icing / frosting that is not a) so sweet it makes your eyes water and requires peeling children off the ceiling post consumption b) tastes like it’s been mixed with sand / concrete...

Tasting Notes: A Tour of Nanaimo

You know when you discover something new about a person you’ve known a long time, something that radically changes the way you view them? Secret talents, long-forgotten epic travels, famous grandparents—something that inspires a perspective shift so that you’re...

Food Styling.

Unless you’ve been avoiding all forms of social media and refuse to set foot into quirky gift shops with snazzy quotes in frames you will have heard this saying: Do one thing every day that scares you. It is a quote attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of...

The Simple Things

It’s been hot around here. I know, I know–those of you in the southern hemisphere are rolling your eyes right now. But I feel the teensiest bit of gloating is acceptable, given how eye-rolly I get when the other half of this blog posts about delightfully...