by Hannah | Dec 24, 2014 | Books & Reading, Food, From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Seasonal, Writing
Excuse me? Everyone? *Ting ting ting* I have an announcement. By the time you read this…we will be in….Whistler. Yes. The Whistler that art in Canada. Having a white christmas in the snow. I know, I know, I didn’t mention it...
by Ria Voros | Dec 17, 2014 | Food, From Ria, Includes a recipe!, Kids and Parenting, Seasonal
…I’m the gingerbread person of questionable nutrition but nonetheless a delicious breakfast choice. After promising myself last month that I’d be spare with my Christmas baking, that others around me would also be making tasty and waist-thickening...
by Hannah | Dec 13, 2014 | Food, From Hannah, From Ria, Kids and Parenting, Seasonal, Sweet Little Something
Here we are again, weekend! We like to celebrate another seven days well-lived with a photo each. Feel free to post a comment, haiku or anything at all. We love hearing from you! Love H & R From Hannah: From Ria:
by Ria Voros | Nov 29, 2014 | Food, From Hannah, From Ria, Sweet Little Something
Here we are again, weekend! We like to celebrate another seven days well-lived with a photo each. Feel free to post a comment, haiku or anything at all. We love hearing from you! Love H & R From Hannah: From Ria:
by Ria Voros | Nov 18, 2014 | Food, From Ria, Includes a recipe!, Kids and Parenting
Today I want to talk about frying things. You know, in oil. Recently, Little e asked me what the difference is between a bagel and a doughnut. For a foodie that’s a complex answer, but I simplified it by saying, “Oil.” I know. I’m a careless...
by Hannah | Nov 11, 2014 | Food, From Hannah, Includes a recipe!
I have a very important question. Can cake have a soundtrack? I was listening to my trusty car radio this morning and had the thought – this song goes perfectly with the carrot cake I made. That’s weird, right? I know, I know, I don’t even...
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