Desperately Seeking Tapas…

Have you ever seen a child stare into a candy shop? Their sweaty foreheads pressed to glass with superglue force and sticky hands braced wide like Spider-Man, ready to web swing to another building. Their breath fogs the glass as their mouths salivate at the thought...

Les Vacances – Part Two

Fork and bib ready? I promised and I will deliver. Here, my friends, are The Absolute Best Things I Ate in Europe. Nom nom nom.     Starting this post was like facing the dessert buffet. I was dumbfounded and flustered. My mind went blank. What did I eat in...

Inside the Cirque kitchen…

Audiences worldwide revel in the onstage magic that talented Cirque performers create. The unseen magic is found in the Cirque kitchen, where culinary wizards skillfully piece ingredients together twelve times a week over six days. So what do the artists and site crew...

Vienna – the side dishes!

There are endless reasons to adore Europe – aromatic espressos, architecture at sunrise, people watching, (especially if said people are wearing socks and sandals simultaneously with two braids tied on top of their head and pushing a pram with a dog in it) but...