The Alchemy of Caramel

I discovered something last year that opened my mind to what I was capable of producing in the kitchen. I followed this recipe for salted caramel sauce, with its list of ingredients more like a casual mentioning–sugar, cream, butter, salt. Just a scattering of...

Favourite Samooch

Thanks to the fantastic cookbooks (this one and this one) I got for Christmas, my brain is in a constant state of fantasy food enthusiasm, which is to say, I’m reading recipes like most people read the newspaper. So I was going to make something spectacular and...

Best of Season: SH Spring

I love spring. It may be my (please don’t tell Autumn) favourite season. Unfortunately, in the Southern Hemisphere, “shoulder seasons” can be treated a little like an unfortunate looking bridesmaid. Spring is the almost summer. Autumn is summer’s hangover. Poor,...

Why I Write for Kids

That title is forgetting something; there will also be gingerbread in house form. Because Christmas. And photos of me writing are just not as fun to look at. But first… Why I write books for kids: 1. It’s wide open. I can write about anything and anywhere...