by Hannah | Jan 24, 2014 | Food, From Hannah, From Ria, Sweet Little Something
Yes, it’s Friday again, which can only mean it’s time for a Sweet Little Something, an end of the week morsel that we would love your comments on: a photograph, a link, a poem…a tidbit of inspiration. Leave us a note or create a haiku for a...
by Ria Voros | Jan 19, 2014 | Food, From Ria
I discovered something last year that opened my mind to what I was capable of producing in the kitchen. I followed this recipe for salted caramel sauce, with its list of ingredients more like a casual mentioning–sugar, cream, butter, salt. Just a scattering of...
by Ria Voros | Jan 5, 2014 | Food, From Ria
Thanks to the fantastic cookbooks (this one and this one) I got for Christmas, my brain is in a constant state of fantasy food enthusiasm, which is to say, I’m reading recipes like most people read the newspaper. So I was going to make something spectacular and...
by Ria Voros | Dec 22, 2013 | Food, From Hannah, From Ria, Kids and Parenting, Writing
Well, this is our last post before Christmas, our last post of 2013, and the last time we will get to share the best experiences we’ve collected this year. We thought we’d go out with a list of them, and a wish for 2014, because we get all nostaglic around...
by Hannah | Dec 14, 2013 | Food, From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Writing
I love spring. It may be my (please don’t tell Autumn) favourite season. Unfortunately, in the Southern Hemisphere, “shoulder seasons” can be treated a little like an unfortunate looking bridesmaid. Spring is the almost summer. Autumn is summer’s hangover. Poor,...
by Ria Voros | Dec 9, 2013 | Food, From Ria, Writing
That title is forgetting something; there will also be gingerbread in house form. Because Christmas. And photos of me writing are just not as fun to look at. But first… Why I write books for kids: 1. It’s wide open. I can write about anything and anywhere...
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