by Hannah | Sep 21, 2016 | Food, From Hannah, Includes a recipe!, Seasonal, Sweet Little Something
Who else finds it almost impossible to choose just one dish for brunch? Or, more specifically, who else finds it impossible to choose either a sweet dish or a savoury dish? (I’m looking at you Ria Voros) What you need is a brunching partner that will...
by Ria Voros | Sep 14, 2016 | Food, From Ria, Includes a recipe!, Seasonal
I think I told you a long time ago about our old plum tree and how it suddenly and miraculously started bearing fruit (singular, because we only got one) after we’d assumed it was a dud. Well, this year I can report the most bumper crop yet: a whole...
by Hannah | Sep 7, 2016 | Food, From Hannah, Includes a recipe!, Sweet Little Something
This cake was a mistake. I don’t suppose that’s a good way to introduce a recipe, but let’s just call it a fortunate mistake. Like when you trip over a fifty dollar note on the sidewalk. You know how that happens. Truth was this cake...
by Ria Voros | Aug 17, 2016 | Food, From Ria, Includes a recipe!, Kids and Parenting, Seasonal
It seems we’re on a bit of a fruit kick around here lately (about which I will not complain). Winter pears in the southern hemisphere and now peaches in the northern, where there has been a bumper crop this year, or so it seems at the farm stands. Little...
by Hannah | Jul 27, 2016 | Food, From Hannah, Includes a recipe!
The other week Ria posted a gloriously golden cake – Lavender Honeycake – which looked like summer itself. I could practically smell the thing, as sweet and fragrant as long nights, wafting through my computer screen. If Ria’s cake – tanned and...
by Ria Voros | Jul 20, 2016 | Food, From Ria, Includes a recipe!, Seasonal
Salad days. Youth, summer, innocence. We can stand to get a little Shakespearean sometimes, can we not? Lettuce is going to seed in our garden, herbs are fragrant in the air from small hands brushing through them on the way to a game of make-believe. I have a...
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