The scales, the number and me.

Today I threw out my scales. Actually, I put them in the garage; more on that later. At any rate they are hereby banished.     As a kid there were always scales in our bathroom. Slid away somewhere but easy to get to. I don’t remember when I first became...

Proust and my Five-Year-Old

  I’ll preface this by saying these are NOT the real Proust Questionnaire questions (designed to reveal a person’s true nature), but modified and shortened versions of some of the originals. I doubted my five-year-old could sit through answering 36 of...

My new book-baby

  Elizabeth Gilbert (superstar author of Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear) suggests that we don’t call our books “our babies”. It’s not all that helpful or healthy to be so attached to your work output that you assign it the same...