by Ria Voros | Jun 8, 2016 | From Ria, Kids and Parenting, Seasonal, Travel, Writing
A few years ago (yikes! years?!) I posted a sort of love poem to Vancouver, that city we love and left and still go back to whenever we can. And not that long ago, we here at F&F posted haiku weekly. Remember that? I miss those days. So I’m resurrecting the...
by Hannah | Jun 1, 2016 | From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Travel
“Stuff your eyes with wonder, live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” – Ray Bradbury Ah travel, my old lover, I still remember you. Your dark-eyed exoticness, your...
by Hannah | Feb 10, 2016 | Food, From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Seasonal, Travel
“A bach (pronounced ‘batch’) is a small, often very modest holiday home or beach house.”* This summer we were lucky enough to score ourselves a bach holiday in Scandretts Bay, about one hour’s drive north from Auckland. Four nights, right...
by Hannah | Jan 27, 2016 | Food, From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Travel
Last year we were fortunate enough to go to Europe – Croatia and France – to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday. It’s no secret I’m a huge francophile. The french chapter titles and macarons in my first book, The Colour of Tea, no...
by Hannah | Oct 21, 2015 | From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Travel
When we were little, my brother used to run away from home. It was generally due to some impending trouble he was about to get in to, because of some trouble he had just caused. Like putting silicon spray on the floor before my Nana came to visit. I think he...
by Ria Voros | May 13, 2015 | Books & Reading, From Ria, Travel, Writing
Hello from Toronto! I’m back in the big city for the Forest of Reading festivities (check out last year’s amazing trip, and my enormous belly, here) because my novel, The Opposite of Geek, was nominated in the White Pine (teen)...
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