
Sometimes you just have to go on a journey, you know? Something calls to you, the spirit moves, stars align, however it happens to happen. These days it’s not so easy for me to up and take a road trip because I have to bring two small people with me, and they make for...

Changing the lens

It’s been a rough couple of weeks, don’t you think?. Everywhere, it seemed, bad news got grimmer and good news sparser. This guy, this crazy-wonderful / wonderful-crazy guy, left us bereft and heartbroken. Hope, in all manner of places and circumstances,...

Les Vacances – Part Two

Fork and bib ready? I promised and I will deliver. Here, my friends, are The Absolute Best Things I Ate in Europe. Nom nom nom.     Starting this post was like facing the dessert buffet. I was dumbfounded and flustered. My mind went blank. What did I eat in...

Les Vacances – Part One

We’re baaa-aack. Back in merino undergarments and three layers worth of pyjamas. Back to cranking the heaters and willing the sun to stay in the sky past 5pm. Back to kindy, to work, to the supermarket. We were looking at photos of the glassy, glassy Croatian...