Coming Home

Did you get my postcards? What a trip we had! And now it’s back to…all the things we left behind. Specifically things that grew (and grew) while we were away. So I thought I’d do a little photo essay of those things, because don’t you always...

Wish You Were Here: Ria in Toronto

Hello from away! I’ve had the fortune to have lunch with my editor for my two books while we are in Toronto. We went out to a fabulous Italian restaurant, Gusto, for lunch. [Before that I got a tour of the Scholastic headquarters–such a treat! I just love...

Oh the places you will go

There are so many exciting things to tell you.     When I was in my mid-twenties I travelled around Europe with my friend Brad in a second(probably fourth or fifth)hand campervan named Fred. Fred was a beautiful Frankenstein – white and bulky, a bolted...


Recently I had the amazing luxury of going on a self-imposed mini writing retreat. Luxury because I have a full-time job, a full-on toddler, an equally busy husband (Equally as busy as me, not the toddler. Although…) and all the other things have would normally keep...