Salty Dog Ice Cream

Is it ice cream weather with you? Let me rephrase that: Isn’t it ice cream weather with you?     As you probably know, this month is in celebration of Hannah’s wonderful new book, Season of Salt and Honey. We’ve given you honey pie,...


As someone who most recently had “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” stuck in her head, I was relieved to realise that there is a (somewhat) more mature song that goes with this post: “Honey Pie” by the Beatles. You can thank me, or curse me, later. As...

I believe in magic

  Over twenty years ago I met someone that changed my life. Her name was Sian. We were both starting at a new school. We were both the eldest kid in our family. We both had brown hair and brown-ish eyes.Neither of us were very cool or very extroverted. In fact,...

Throwing Out The Kitchen

Last week, Hannah said some great things about editing and it got me thinking about my own process. While I commiserate about the tediousness of the line-edit, I actually love editing on a more general level. The first draft is my least favourite part (except for the...