by Hannah | Sep 2, 2017 | From Hannah, How She (or he) Does It, Interviews, Kids and Parenting
I am not a grown-up. Surely I can’t be a grown-up if I sulk at having to fold the laundry or stack the dishwasher. I can’t be a grown-up if I still don’t quite understand the stock market. I mustn’t be a grown-up if I can’t change a car tyre or properly control my own...
by Hannah | Apr 25, 2017 | Food, From Hannah, Includes a recipe!, Seasonal, Sweet Little Something
The sun has set on another Anzac Day, the day New Zealanders and Australians commemorate those who served in wars. It is a public holiday and always rather special – even aside from the important acknowledgment of our forces and our country’s...
by Hannah | Feb 14, 2017 | From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Travel
Oh, the good advice we forget and forget and forget again. The things that cajole us out of a funk, that dust us off and yank us to our feet, that make life sweet again. Mum’s wisdom, your best friend’s sage counsel, the oldest of chestnuts. Sleep on it,...
by Hannah | Nov 22, 2016 | Food, From Hannah, How She (or he) Does It, Interviews, Kids and Parenting
I want you to meet the woman who saved my life. Okay, a bit dramatic. I want you to meet the woman who saved my sanity. This is Rebecca Jones. I’m guessing that you, like me, sometimes feel some, er, disdain, for dinner. Perhaps it’s not...
by Hannah | Jun 15, 2016 | From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Writing
It has been four and a half months since our littlest (and last!) was born. I thought you might like to know how we’re getting on… Throughout the pregnancy this baby felt very different to the other two. We didn’t know her gender, so that was a...
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