by Hannah | Jun 7, 2017 | Books & Reading, From Hannah, Writing
Here at last, A French Wedding has hit the bookshelves in the U.S. and Canada. I had absolutely nothing to do with the beautiful cover so it’s not immodest of me to say “Isn’t she gorgeous?!” Don’t you just want to pull out a chair and...
by Hannah | Oct 5, 2016 | Books & Reading, From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Writing
I recently listened to an illustrator describe the tools she had used to produce a picture book – “graphite pencils, watercolour, collage, old photographs…and stubbornness.’ Ah. Yes. Picture books may look simple. In fact, the simpler they look or seem,...
by Hannah | Jun 29, 2016 | Food, From Hannah, Includes a recipe!, Sweet Little Something
I don’t know about you but this week has me feeling despondent. Is it “the age of foolishness…the winter of despair”? At every turn there seems to be a massacre, a miscarriage of justice, an environmental disaster, political miscreancy, the...
by Hannah | Jun 15, 2016 | From Hannah, Kids and Parenting, Writing
It has been four and a half months since our littlest (and last!) was born. I thought you might like to know how we’re getting on… Throughout the pregnancy this baby felt very different to the other two. We didn’t know her gender, so that was a...
by Hannah | May 3, 2016 | Books & Reading, From Hannah, Writing
I don’t like public speaking. I know lots of people feel the same way, that my fears are as common as mud, but it still frustrates me. I think the problem is that I cannot quite understand it. I like to talk. Really like to talk. I like people and I enjoy...
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